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Network Troubleshooting

Cumulus Linux includes a number of command line and analytical tools to help you troubleshoot issues with your network.

Check Reachability Using ping

Use ping to check reachability of a host. ping also calculates the time it takes for packets to travel the round trip. See man ping for details.

To test the connection to an IPv4 host:

cumulus@switch:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=53 time=40.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=53 time=39.6 ms

To test the connection to an IPv6 host:

cumulus@switch:~$ ping6 -I swp1 2001::db8:ff:fe00:2
PING 2001::db8:ff:fe00:2(2001::db8:ff:fe00:2) from 2001::db8:ff:fe00:1 swp1: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001::db8:ff:fe00:2: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.43 ms
64 bytes from 2001::db8:ff:fe00:2: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.927 ms

When troubleshooting intermittent connectivity issues, it is helpful to send continuous pings to a host.

traceroute tracks the route that packets take from an IP network on their way to a given host. See man traceroute for details.

To track the route to an IPv4 host:

cumulus@switch:~$ traceroute www.google.com
traceroute to www.google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1  cumulusnetworks.com (  0.614 ms  0.863 ms  0.932 ms
5  core2-1-1-0.pao.net.google.com (  22.347 ms  22.584 ms  24.328 ms
6 (  24.371 ms  25.757 ms  25.987 ms
7 (  27.505 ms  22.925 ms  22.323 ms
8  nuq04s19-in-f17.1e100.net (  23.544 ms  21.851 ms  22.604 ms

Run Commands in a Non-default VRF

You can use ip vrf exec to run commands in a non-default VRF context. This is particularly useful for network utilities like ping, traceroute, and nslookup.

The full syntax is ip vrf exec <vrf-name> <command> <arguments>. For example:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 nslookup google.com -

By default, ping/ping6 and traceroute/traceroute6 all use the default VRF. This is done using a mechanism that checks the VRF context of the current shell - which can be seen when you run ip vrf id - at the time one of these commands is run. If the shell’s VRF context is mgmt, then these commands are run in the default VRF context.

ping and traceroute have additional arguments that you can use to specify an egress interface and/or a source address. In the default VRF, the source interface flag (ping -I or traceroute -i) specifies the egress interface for the ping/traceroute operation. However, you can use the source interface flag instead to specify a non-default VRF to use for the command. Doing so causes the routing lookup for the destination address to occur in that VRF.

With ping -I, you can specify the source interface or the source IP address, but you cannot use the flag more than once. Thus, you can choose either an egress interface/VRF or a source IP address. For traceroute, you can use traceroute -s to specify the source IP address.

You gain some additional flexibility if you run ip vrf exec in combination with ping/ping6 or traceroute/traceroute6, as the VRF context is specified outside of the ping and traceroute commands. This allows for the most granular control of ping and traceroute, as you can specify both the VRF and the source interface flag.

For ping, use the following syntax:

ip vrf exec <vrf-name> [ping|ping6] -I [<egress_interface> | <source_ip>] <destination_ip>

For example:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 ping -I swp1
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 ping -I
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 ping6 -I swp1 2001:4860:4860::8888
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 ping6 -I 2001:db8::1 2001:4860:4860::8888

For traceroute, use the following syntax:

ip vrf exec <vrf-name> [traceroute|traceroute6] -i <egress_interface> -s <source_ip> <destination_ip>

For example:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 traceroute -i swp1 -s
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo ip vrf exec Tenant1 traceroute6 -i swp1 -s 2001:db8::1 2001:4860:4860::8888

Because the VRF context for ping and traceroute commands is automatically shifted to the default VRF context, you must use the source interface flag to specify the management VRF. Typically, this is not an issue since there is only a single interface in the management VRF - eth0 - and in most situations only a single IPv4 address or IPv6 global unicast address is assigned to it. But it is worth mentioning since, as stated earlier, you cannot specify both a source interface and a source IP address with ping -I.

Manipulate the System ARP Cache

arp manipulates or displays the kernel’s IPv4 network neighbor cache. See man arp for details.

To display the ARP cache:

cumulus@switch:~$ arp -a
? ( at 00:02:00:00:00:10 [ether] on swp3
? ( at 00:02:00:00:00:01 [ether] on swp4
? ( at 44:38:39:00:01:c1 [ether] on swp1

To delete an ARP cache entry:

cumulus@switch:~$ arp -d
cumulus@switch:~$ arp -a
? ( at <incomplete> on swp3
? ( at 00:02:00:00:00:01 [ether] on swp4
? ( at 44:38:39:00:01:c1 [ether] on swp1

To add a static ARP cache entry:

cumulus@switch:~$ arp -s 00:02:00:00:00:10
cumulus@switch:~$ arp -a
? ( at 00:02:00:00:00:10 [ether] PERM on swp3
? ( at 00:02:00:00:00:01 [ether] on swp4
? ( at 44:38:39:00:01:c1 [ether] on swp1

If you need to flush or remove an ARP entry for a specific interface, you can disable dynamic ARP learning:

cumulus@switch:~$ ip link set arp off dev INTERFACE

Generate Traffic Using mz

mz (or mausezahn) is a fast traffic generator. It can generate a large variety of packet types at high speed. See man mz for details.

For example, to send two sets of packets to TCP port 23 and 24, with source IP address and destination IP address

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo mz swp1 -A -B -c 2 -v -t tcp "dp=23-24"

Mausezahn 0.40 - (C) 2007-2010 by Herbert Haas - https://packages.debian.org/unstable/mz
Use at your own risk and responsibility!
-- Verbose mode --

This system supports a high resolution clock.
  The clock resolution is 4000250 nanoseconds.
Mausezahn will send 4 frames...
  IP:  ver=4, len=40, tos=0, id=0, frag=0, ttl=255, proto=6, sum=0, SA=, DA=,
       payload=[see next layer]
  TCP: sp=0, dp=23, S=42, A=42, flags=0, win=10000, len=20, sum=0,

  IP:  ver=4, len=40, tos=0, id=0, frag=0, ttl=255, proto=6, sum=0, SA=, DA=,
       payload=[see next layer]
  TCP: sp=0, dp=24, S=42, A=42, flags=0, win=10000, len=20, sum=0,

  IP:  ver=4, len=40, tos=0, id=0, frag=0, ttl=255, proto=6, sum=0, SA=, DA=,
       payload=[see next layer]
  TCP: sp=0, dp=23, S=42, A=42, flags=0, win=10000, len=20, sum=0,

  IP:  ver=4, len=40, tos=0, id=0, frag=0, ttl=255, proto=6, sum=0, SA=, DA=,
       payload=[see next layer]
  TCP: sp=0, dp=24, S=42, A=42, flags=0, win=10000, len=20, sum=0,

Create Counter ACL Rules

In Linux, all ACL rules are always counted. To create an ACL rule for counting purposes only, set the rule action to ACCEPT. See the Netfilter chapter for details on how to use cl-acltool to set up iptables-/ip6tables-/ebtables-based ACLs.

Always place your rules files under /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/.

To count all packets going to a Web server:

cumulus@switch:~$ cat sample_count.rules

  -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

  cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i -p sample_count.rules
  Using user provided rule file sample_count.rules
  Reading rule file sample_count.rules ...
  Processing rules in file sample_count.rules ...
  Installing acl policy... done.

  cumulus@switch:~$ sudo iptables -L -v
  Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 16 packets, 2224 bytes)
  pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source          destination

  Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
  pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source          destination
    2   156 ACCEPT     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere         anywhere           tcp dpt:http

  Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 44 packets, 8624 bytes)
  pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source          destination

The -p option clears out all other rules. The -i option reinstalls all the rules.

Configure SPAN and ERSPAN

SPAN (Switched Port Analyzer) provides for the mirroring of all packets coming in from or going out of an interface (the SPAN source), and being copied and transmitted out of a local port or CPU (the SPAN destination) for monitoring. The SPAN destination port is also referred to as a mirror-to-port (MTP). The original packet is still switched, while a mirrored copy of the packet is sent out of the MTP.

ERSPAN (Encapsulated Remote SPAN) enables the mirrored packets to be sent to a monitoring node located anywhere across the routed network. The switch finds the outgoing port of the mirrored packets by doing a lookup of the destination IP address in its routing table. The original L2 packet is encapsulated with GRE for IP delivery. The encapsulated packets have the following format:

| MAC_HEADER | IP_HEADER | GRE_HEADER | L2_Mirrored_Packet |

  • Mirrored traffic is not guaranteed. If the MTP is congested, mirrored packets might be discarded.
  • A SPAN and ERSPAN destination interface that is oversubscribed might result in data plane buffer depletion and buffer drops. Exercise caution when enabling SPAN and ERSPAN when the aggregate speeds of all source ports exceeds the destination port. Selective SPAN is recommended when possible to limit traffic in this scenario.

SPAN and ERSPAN are configured via cl-acltool, the same utility for security ACL configuration. The match criteria for SPAN and ERSPAN is usually an interface; for more granular match terms, use selective spanning. The SPAN source interface can be a port, a subinterface, or a bond interface. Ingress traffic on interfaces can be matched, and on switches with Spectrum ASICs, egress traffic can be matched. See the list of limitations below.

Always place your rules files under /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/.


  • For Broadcom switches, Cumulus Linux supports a maximum of two SPAN destinations.
  • Because SPAN and ERSPAN is done in hardware, eth0 is not supported as a destination.
  • For Mellanox switches with the Spectrum-2 ASIC or later, Cumulus Linux supports four SPAN destinations in atomic mode or eight SPAN destinations in non-atomic mode. On a switch with the Spectrum 1 ASIC, Cumulus Linux supports only a single SPAN destination in atomic mode or three SPAN destinations in non-atomic mode.
  • Multiple rules (SPAN sources) can point to the same SPAN destination, but a given SPAN source cannot specify two SPAN destinations.
  • To configure SPAN or ERSPAN on a Tomahawk or Trident3 switch, you must enable non-atomic update mode.
  • Mellanox Spectrum switches reject SPAN ACL rules for an output interface that is a subinterface.
  • Mirrored traffic is not guaranteed. If the MTP is congested, mirrored packets might be discarded.
  • Cut-through mode is not supported for ERSPAN in Cumulus Linux on switches using Broadcom Tomahawk, Trident II+ and Trident II ASICs.
  • On Broadcom switches, SPAN does not capture egress traffic.
  • Cumulus Linux does not support IPv6 ERSPAN destinations.
  • ERSPAN does not cause the kernel to send ARP requests to resolve the next hop for the ERSPAN destination. If an ARP entry for the destination/next hop does not already exist in the kernel, you need to manually resolve this before mirrored traffic is sent (using ping or arping).
  • Mirroring to the same interface that is being monitored will cause a recursive flood of traffic and may impact traffic on other interfaces.

Configure SPAN for Switch Ports

This section describes how to set up, install, verify and uninstall SPAN rules. In the examples that follow, you span (mirror) switch port swp4 input traffic and swp4 output traffic to destination switch port swp19.

First, create a rules file in /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo bash -c 'cat <<EOF > /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span.rules
-A FORWARD --in-interface swp4 -j SPAN --dport swp19
-A FORWARD --out-interface swp4 -j SPAN --dport swp19

Using cl-acltool with the --out-interface rule applies to transit traffic only; it does not apply to traffic sourced from the switch.

Next, verify all the rules that are currently installed:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo iptables -L -v
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
  pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any          anywhere
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any     loopback/8           anywhere
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any     base-address.mcast.net/8  anywhere
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any      anywhere
     0     0 SETCLASS   ospf --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             SETCLASS  class:7
     0     0 POLICE     ospf --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             POLICE  mode:pkt rate:2000 burst:2000
     0     0 SETCLASS   tcp  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:bgp SETCLASS  class:7
     0     0 POLICE     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:bgp POLICE  mode:pkt rate:2000 burst:2000
     0     0 SETCLASS   tcp  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp spt:bgp SETCLASS  class:7
     0     0 POLICE     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp spt:bgp POLICE  mode:pkt rate:2000 burst:2000
     0     0 SETCLASS   tcp  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:5342 SETCLASS  class:7
     0     0 POLICE     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:5342 POLICE  mode:pkt rate:2000 burst:2000
     0     0 SETCLASS   tcp  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp spt:5342 SETCLASS  class:7
     0     0 POLICE     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp spt:5342 POLICE  mode:pkt rate:2000 burst:2000
     0     0 SETCLASS   icmp --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             SETCLASS  class:2
     0     0 POLICE     icmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             POLICE  mode:pkt rate:100 burst:40
    15  5205 SETCLASS   udp  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             udp  dpts:bootps:bootpc SETCLASS  class:2
    11  3865 POLICE     udp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:bootps POLICE  mode:pkt rate:100 burst:100
     0     0 POLICE     udp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:bootpc POLICE  mode:pkt rate:100 burst:100
     0     0 SETCLASS   tcp  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpts:bootps:bootpc SETCLASS  class:2
     0     0 POLICE     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:bootps POLICE  mode:pkt rate:100 burst:100
     0     0 POLICE     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:bootpc POLICE  mode:pkt rate:100 burst:100
    17  1088 SETCLASS   igmp --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             SETCLASS class:6
    17  1156 POLICE     igmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             POLICE  mode:pkt rate:300 burst:100
    394 41060 POLICE    all  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL POLICE  mode:pkt rate:1000 burst:1000 class:0
     0     0 POLICE     all  --  swp+   any     anywhere             anywhere             ADDRTYPE match dst-type IPROUTER POLICE  mode:pkt rate:400 burst:100 class:0
    988  279K SETCLASS  all  --  swp+   any      anywhere            anywhere             SETCLASS  class:0

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
  pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any          anywhere
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any     loopback/8           anywhere
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any     base-address.mcast.net/8  anywhere
     0     0 DROP       all  --  swp+   any      anywhere
 26864 4672K SPAN       all  --  swp4   any     anywhere             anywhere             dport:swp19  <---- input packets on swp4

40722   47M  SPAN       all  --  any    swp4     anywhere             anywhere             dport:swp19  <---- output packets on swp4

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 67398 packets, 5757K bytes)
  pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Install the rules:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i
[sudo] password for cumulus:
Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/00control_plane.rules ...
Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/00control_plane.rules ...
Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/99control_plane_catch_all.rules ...
Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/99control_plane_catch_all.rules ...
Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span.rules ...
Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span.rules ...
Installing acl policy

Running the following command is incorrect and will remove all existing control-plane rules or other installed rules and only install the rules defined in span.rules:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i  -P /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span.rules

Verify that the SPAN rules are installed:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -L all | grep SPAN
38025 7034K SPAN       all  --  swp4   any     anywhere             anywhere             dport:swp19
50832   55M SPAN       all  --  any    swp4    anywhere             anywhere             dport:swp19

SPAN Sessions that Reference an Outgoing Interface

SPAN sessions that reference an outgoing interface create the mirrored packets based on the ingress interface before the routing/switching decision. For example, the following rule captures traffic that is ultimately destined to leave swp2 but mirrors the packets when they arrive on swp3. The rule transmits packets that reference the original VLAN tag and source/destination MAC address at the time the packet is originally received on swp3.

-A FORWARD --out-interface swp2 -j SPAN --dport swp1

Configure SPAN for Bonds

This section describes how to configure SPAN for all packets going out of bond0 locally to bond1.

First, create a rules file in /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo bash -c 'cat <<EOF > /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span_bond.rules 
-A FORWARD --out-interface bond0 -j SPAN --dport bond1

Using cl-acltool with the --out-interface rule applies to transit traffic only; it does not apply to traffic sourced from the switch.

Install the rules:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i
[sudo] password for cumulus:
Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/00control_plane.rules ...
Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/00control_plane.rules ...
Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/99control_plane_catch_all.rules ...
Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/99control_plane_catch_all.rules ...
Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span_bond.rules ...
Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span_bond.rules ...
Installing acl policy

Verify that the SPAN rules are installed:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo iptables -L -v | grep SPAN
    19  1938 SPAN       all  --  any    bond0   anywhere             anywhere             dport:bond1

Use the CPU port as the SPAN Destination

You can set the CPU port as a SPAN destination interface to mirror data plane traffic to the CPU. The SPAN traffic is sent to a separate network interface mirror where you can analyze it with tcpdump. This is a useful feature if you do not have any free external ports on the switch for monitoring purposes. SPAN traffic does not appear on switch ports.

Cumulus Linux controls how much traffic reaches the CPU so that mirrored traffic does not overwhelm the CPU.

  • CPU port as a SPAN destination interface is supported on Mellanox switches only.
  • Egress Mirroring for control plane generated traffic to the CPU port is not supported.

To use the CPU port as the SPAN destination, create a file in the /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/ directory and add the rules. The following example rule matches on swp1 ingress traffic that has the source IP Address When a match occurs, the traffic is mirrored to the CPU:

     -A FORWARD -i swp1 -s -j SPAN --dport cpu

This example rule matches on swp1 egress traffic that has the source IP Address When a match occurs, the traffic is is mirrored to the CPU:

     -A FORWARD -o swp1 -s -j SPAN --dport cpu

Install the rules:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i

You can use tcpcdump to monitor traffic mirrored to the CPU on the switch. You can also use filters for tcpdump. To use tcpcdump to monitor traffic mirrored to the CPU, run the following command:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo tcpdump -i mirror

Configure ERSPAN

This section describes how to configure ERSPAN for all packets coming in from swp1 to

Cut-through mode is not supported for ERSPAN in Cumulus Linux on switches using Broadcom Tomahawk, Trident II+, and Trident II ASICs.

Cut-through mode is supported for ERSPAN in Cumulus Linux on switches using Mellanox Spectrum ASICs.

  1. First, create a rules file in /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/:

    cumulus@switch:~$ sudo bash -c 'cat <<EOF > /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/erspan.rules
    -A FORWARD --in-interface swp1 -j ERSPAN --src-ip --dst-ip  --ttl 64
  2. Install the rules:

    cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i
    Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/00control_plane.rules ...
    Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/00control_plane.rules ...
    Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/99control_plane_catch_all.rules ...
    Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/99control_plane_catch_all.rules ...
    Reading rule file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/erspan.rules ...
    Processing rules in file /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/erspan.rules ...
    Installing acl policy
  3. Verify that the ERSPAN rules are installed:

    cumulus@switch:~$ sudo iptables -L -v | grep SPAN
    69  6804 ERSPAN     all  --  swp1   any     anywhere             anywhere             ERSPAN src-ip: dst-ip:

The src-ip option can be any IP address, whether it exists in the routing table or not. The dst-ip option must be an IP address reachable via the routing table. The destination IP address must be reachable from a front-panel port, and not the management port. Use ping or ip route get <ip> to verify that the destination IP address is reachable. Setting the --ttl option is recommended.

If a SPAN destination IP address is not available, or if the interface type or types prevent using a laptop as a SPAN destination, read this knowledge base article for a workaround.

ERSPAN and Wireshark

  • When using Wireshark to review the ERSPAN output, Wireshark may report the message “Unknown version, please report or test to use fake ERSPAN preference”, and the trace is unreadable. To resolve this, go into the General preferences for Wireshark, then go to Protocols > ERSPAN and check the Force to decode fake ERSPAN frame option.
  • To set up a capture filter on the destination switch that filters for a specific IP protocol, use ip.proto == 47 to filter for GRE-encapsulated (IP protocol 47) traffic.

Selective Spanning

SPAN and ERSPAN traffic rules can be configured to limit the traffic that is spanned, to reduce the volume of copied data.

Cumulus Linux supports selective spanning for iptables only. ip6tables and ebtables are not supported.

The following matching fields are supported:

  • IPv4 SIP/DIP
  • IP protocol
  • L4 (TCP/UDP) src/dst port
  • TCP flags
  • An ingress port/wildcard (swp+) can be specified in addition

With ERSPAN, a maximum of two --src-ip --dst-ip pairs are supported. Exceeding this limit produces an error when you install the rules with cl-acltool.

SPAN Examples

To mirror forwarded packets from all ports matching SIP and DIP to port swp1s1:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -s -d -j SPAN --dport swp1s2

To mirror icmp packets from all ports to swp1s2:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -s -p icmp -j SPAN --dport swp1s2

To mirror forwarded UDP packets received from port swp1s0, towards DIP and destination port 53:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp1s0 -d -p udp --dport 53 -j SPAN --dport swp1s2

To mirror all forwarded TCP packets with only SYN set:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j SPAN --dport swp1s2

To mirror all forwarded TCP packets with only FIN set:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN -j SPAN --dport swp1s2

ERSPAN Examples

To mirror forwarded packets from all ports matching SIP and DIP

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -s -d -j ERSPAN --src-ip --dst-ip

To mirror ICMP packets from all ports:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -s -p icmp -j ERSPAN --src-ip --dst-ip

To mirror forwarded UDP packets received from port swp1s0, towards DIP and destination port 53:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp1s0 -d -p udp --dport 53 -j ERSPAN --src-ip --dst-ip

To mirror all forwarded TCP packets with only SYN set:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j ERSPAN --src-ip --dst-ip

To mirror all forwarded TCP packets with only FIN set:

-A FORWARD --in-interface swp+ -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN -j ERSPAN --src-ip --dst-ip

Remove SPAN Rules

To remove your SPAN rules, run:

#Remove rules file:
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo rm  /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.d/span.rules
#Reload the default rules
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -i

To verify that the SPAN rules were removed:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-acltool -L all | grep SPAN

Monitor Control Plane Traffic with tcpdump

You can use tcpdump to monitor control plane traffic - traffic sent to and coming from the switch CPUs. tcpdump does not monitor data plane traffic; use cl-acltool instead (see above).

For more information on tcpdump, read the documentation and the man page.

The following example incorporates a few tcpdump options:

  • -i bond0, which captures packets from bond0 to the CPU and from the CPU to bond0
  • host, which filters for this IP address
  • -c 10, which captures 10 packets then stops
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo tcpdump -i bond0 host -c 10
tcpdump: WARNING: bond0: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on bond0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
16:24:42.532473 IP > ICMP echo request, id 27785, seq 6, length 64
16:24:42.532534 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 27785, seq 6, length 64
16:24:42.804155 IP > Flags [.], seq 266275591:266277039, ack 3813627681, win 58, options [nop,nop,TS val 590400681 ecr 530346691], length 1448
16:24:42.804228 IP > Flags [.], ack 1448, win 166, options [nop,nop,TS val 530348721 ecr 590400681], length 0
16:24:42.804267 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1448:1836, ack 1, win 58, options [nop,nop,TS val 590400681 ecr 530346691], length 388
16:24:42.804293 IP > Flags [.], ack 1836, win 165, options [nop,nop,TS val 530348721 ecr 590400681], length 0
16:24:43.532389 IP > ICMP echo request, id 27785, seq 7, length 64
16:24:43.532447 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 27785, seq 7, length 64
16:24:43.838652 IP > Flags [.], seq 2555144343:2555145791, ack 2067274882, win 58, options [nop,nop,TS val 530349755 ecr 590399688], length 1448
16:24:43.838692 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1448:1838, ack 1, win 58, options [nop,nop,TS val 530349755 ecr 590399688], length 390
10 packets captured
12 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel